The Shepherd’s Cove Foundation, a separate 501(c) 3, exists to help people put their compassion for those coping with end-of-life issues into action. We connect people with the change they wish to see in our community. The Foundation gives comfort and joy, relieves suffering, and creates life-changing experiences for hurting families. We build relationships with community partners to support the mission and programs of Shepherd’s Cove.
Each February, we celebrate those who share the heart of hospice in our community with a beer and wine tasting, awards, and live music.
Hundreds of individuals across North Alabama come together for the Race to Remember 5K to help raise money for Shepherd’s Cove.
A fun evening with seated dinner, live and silent auctions, games, and other activities, all to support the life-affirming mission of Shepherd’s Cove.
Join us for a family-friendly holiday event celebrating fond memories and the lives of loved ones we have lost.
Ways to Give
You can give quickly, easily, and safely online through credit or debit card by clicking the link above. Or, if you prefer, mail a check to: Shepherd’s Cove Foundation, 408 Martling Road, Albertville, AL 35951.
Shepherd’s Cove has several recurring item needs to help make patients more comfortable. Many people like to donate items personally or plan a donation drive at their church, school, or group to collect items from our wish list.
Planned gifts help ensure Shepherd’s Cove will be able to serve people for years to come. By including Shepherd’s Cove in your will or transferring ownership of stocks, bonds, or mutual funds to Shepherd’s Cove, you help secure the future of the agency. Learn more about planned giving here.
Join the Flock! The Flock is am important group of loyal givers who provide a steady stream of support through monthly, quarterly, or annual donations. Recurring gifts can be set up through credit/debit card.
Corporate Partnerships (Sponsors):
Our corporate community partners are key to fulfilling the mission of Shepherd’s Cove. We are incredibly thankful for all of the local businesses that choose to invest in end-of-life care and grief support for our community. To learn more about corporate partnerships packages and options, see our booklet or contact Foundation Director Erin Stevens at 256-891-7724 or estevens@shepherdscove.org.
Thank you to our current sponsors!.